Job Seekers and Employees: Workspace Environments that Support Mental Health

When it comes to mental health in the workplace, it will be essential to look for signs that a person may not be doing well. Some of the symptoms of a struggling employee include; reduced productivity, less output, decreased initiative, and communication. Some people may be high functioning and be struggling without showing any changes in their behaviors as well.

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Three Simple Mental Coping Strategies for Women

Men and women both experience mental disorders; however, statistics point out that more women suffer from depression, anxiety, and other mood disorders In fact, across countries, one in five women suffer from mental disorders than one in eight for men. The explanation for the statistics mentioned above can be biological: women's genetic makeup may make them more vulnerable to mental disorders.

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The Pros and Cons To Journaling

We see in movies, middle schoolers and high schoolers keeping a diary of their lives consisting of gossip, crushes, and other personal topics. Even today, people continue to engage in this activity as adults to help alleviate stress and the overall craziness of life. Keeping a diary or in more general, journaling has become popularized for its underlying benefits that most do not realize until they engage in this activity.

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How To Support Someone With Alzheimer’s Disease

Imagine waking up this morning in an unknown location, surrounded by people you have never seen before and the only information you know is your name. And this does not just occur for one day, it is every day. This is one of many perspectives that someone with Alzheimer’s Disease experiences daily. Not only does this disease affect the individual, but it also affects the person’s loved ones’ daily interactions and overall outlook on life as the person they care for is slowly losing themselves.

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Dealing With Anxiety: How To Help You And Those You Love

I experienced my first panic attack when I was a freshman in high school. At the time, I was 14 and suddenly began to feel light-headed and experience this odd tingly sensation in my hands and feet. At that moment, I seriously thought I was experiencing a heart attack because I had no idea what was happening to my body. I cannot recall exactly what stemmed this panic attack, however, I knew that what I was going through was not a typical bodily reaction one has.

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Nightmares vs Night Terror

Growing up, I remember being woken up suddenly in the middle of the night. It was my brother in his bedroom, screaming at the top of his lungs. I have never heard a more piercing and fearful scream in my entire life. This would occur on rare occasions and for a maximum of 2 minutes.

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Eating Disorders In College

As a freshman in college, this topic is particularly sensitive, because the way people eat in college ranges depending on the body type. Nevertheless, I still thought that the way people were eating was relatively healthy because I was surrounded by unhealthy habits. It was not until I began researching this topic that unhealthy eating practices were too common on college campuses.

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Three Strategies to Get Over a Heartbreak 

Sania was in the worst phase of her life. At 3 am in the morning, she sat on her bed, wondering how she let herself be in this position. You see, she had cried the whole night, and her bloodshot eyes were proof of the pain that she was in. She hadn't slept for two nights and was trying to get in touch with Dorain. Now, Dorain is the guy she was with for seven years.

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Why You Can't Fully Understand People.

Today’s blog is different from what you have seen so far. You might even be surprised at the content encapsulated in this blog. Usually, our blogs are targeted to a particular audience; however, this blog is for everyone. It explains why we cannot fully understand the perspectives of other people. Also, this blog is inspired by the work of a famous existential psychiatrist, Irvin D. Yalom. Let us get started straight away.

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Self-love vs. Narcissism

Modern society has taught us that individuals must be in tune with their emotions before tackling their surroundings to maximize their success. When it comes to an understanding your feelings, self-love is crucial to deepen your relationship with yourself, work ethic, lifestyle, and overall how your brain works.

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I Am Resilience

Looking through my window, I see the snow that fell yesterday and how it covers the streets and the trees, and I think how beautiful and peaceful it seems. On the other hand, I remember how difficult this year has been for everyone around the World. Then, I begin to think about how strong human beings are and how we can overcome complications when developing resilience.

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